I don't believe this is chiefly a female problem. Men and women have been known to get irate with each other once in a while. However, I do have a theory for why women *sometimes feel they are entitled to act disrespectfully and impolitely.*
Society has historically oppressed women; from a young age they are typically told that their looks are their greatest assets and they aren't given much confidence about their earning potential. This plays out in the adult world; women make less than men in almost every profession. What often consoles men and women and hides this inequality is the fact that our culture imposes a code of conduct on men requiring them to act gracefully and chivalrously with women. For example, men are supposed to open the doors for women, let the lady go first in line, etc.
I think over the years being tolerant of a woman's cranky moods got rolled into the chivalry act. Hollywood movies and the like depicted chivalrous men falling for impolite girls by finding their tantrums cute, smart and attractive. Take, for an example My Fair Lady or any other romantic comedy. Women started to figure that it's okay, maybe even cute for them to be impolite. But in truth, acting like a bitch and thinking its acceptable to do so further reproduces the inequality between men and women because cranky behavior gets typified as "woman behavior."
So lets just be courteous to everyone regardless of gender, yeah? And stop oppressing us, damn it!
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_mostly_female_like_to_show_anger_and_angry_at_the_male_without_a_polite_and_respect#ixzz1QWlB4RtC
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