Maybe some people get through life without ever causing anyone (apart from their parents) serious inconvenience or disappointment. But I think it's safe to say that most don't. I have tried very hard to be in the first category, but as a one-term president of a student group and perpetual single lady, I have "failed" countless times. I just wish there were a funny picture with a netspeak caption for each time.
Yes, put simply, I suck as much as the most disappointing person you know.
With each failure I tell myself that I can sink no further. But the very next time I'm given the chance to screw up, I do! So I fear that the world will stop giving me chances to find success in love or what have you. Especially if I've done something particularly egregious.
Remember how excited I was about online dating in my last post? Well, today I blew off one of those prospectives. This particular creature was one I was looking forward to seeing all week; he's a witty cartoonist whom I've spent considerable time creeping on the internet.
I slept through my alarm and missed our coffee date by 5 hours. I checked my phone and saw he texted me, "So, about coffee. I'm assuming you didn't mean 8 in the morning..."
I nearly died.
I'm trying to deal with the situation by leaving him super apologetic texts and an IM. I would have called him, but it was 2AM. I'll call him during the day when there's a better chance he'll answer his phone. I just hope he forgives me.
I really want to reschedule, but it's possible that he won't want to spend time on me ever again. For that I'm somewhat thankful that we don't have mutual contacts and that we never actually met before, but it doesn't override the immense regret I feel for standing him up. Gaahhh. I guess there will be another chance with another boy. But dang.
Keep moving forward, I guess.
He was really nice about it and we went out again the following week! Of course, I paid for his drink :)
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